Initializing the Library:
To initialize the validateJS library, add the references to jQuery and validateJS scripts, and then create a ValidationManager object in your page load event. Most of the methods can be chained to save typing more code. |
var vManager = new ValidationManager() .addValidator(["amount"], [{ type: ValidationType.Required, message: "Amount is required." }]) .initialize();Always remember to initialize your validation manager object. |
Setting up the markup:
Some specific attributes are need to be added to the input fields, apart from that we need to add <div> tag to show the validation notifications. Here is how this is done: Input element <input id ="txtAmount" maxlength="20" validatorName ="amount"/> Display validator(this has to be near to the target input element) <div validator = "amount"></div> |
Required Field Validation
Syntax: vManager.addValidator([validatorName], [{ type: ValidationType.Required, message: messageText }]) .initialize();Usage: vManager.addValidator(["name"], [{ type: ValidationType.Required, message: "Please enter your name." }]) .initialize();Demo: Rule : A value is required. Please Enter Your Name: |
Compare Validation
Syntax: vManager.addValidator([validatorName] , [{ type: ValidationType.Compare , rule: { compareType: compareType, value: value }, message: messageText }]) .initialize();Usage: vManager.addValidator(["salary"] , [{ type: ValidationType.Compare , rule: { compareType: CompareType.LessThanEqual, value: 100 } , message: "Salary should be less than or equal to $100." }]) .initialize();Demo: Rule : Value must be less than or equal to 100. Enter the Salary You Want: |
Range Validation
Syntax: vManager.addValidator([validatorName] , [{ type: ValidationType.Range, rule: [minValue, maxValue] , message: messageText }]) .initialize();Usage: vManager.addValidator(["salary"] , [type: ValidationType.Range , rule: [1000, 2000] , message: "Salary should be between $1000 and $2000." }]) .initialize();Demo: Rule : Value must be between 1000 and 2000. Enter the Salary You Want: |
Regular Expression Validation
Syntax: vManager.addValidator([validatorName] , [{ type: ValidationType.RegularExpression, rule: regularExpression , message: messageText }]) .initialize();Usage: var emailRegExp = "^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$"; vManager.addValidator(["email"] , [type: ValidationType.RegularExpression , rule: emailRegExp , message: "The email id that you entered does not seem to be correct." }]) .initialize();Demo: Rule : Text entered should be an email id in correct format. Enter Your Email Id: |
Custom Validation
Syntax: vManager.addValidator([validatorName] , [{ type: ValidationType.Custom, rule: customValidationFunctionName , message: messageText }]) .initialize();Usage: vManager.addValidator(["salary"] , [type: ValidationType.Custom , rule: CustomSalaryValidation , message: "Salary should be in multiples of 100." }]) .initialize();Demo: Rule : Value should be a multiple of 100. Enter the Salary You Want: |
Multiple Validations
Syntax: vManager.addValidator([validatorName] , [{ type: ValidationType.Custom, rule: customValidationFunctionName , message: messageText }, ...]) .initialize();Usage: vManager.addValidator(["salary"], [{ type: ValidationType.Required , message: "Salary cannot be blank." }, { type: ValidationType.Range , rule: [1000, 2000] , message: "Salary should be between $1000 and $2000." }, { type: ValidationType.Custom , rule: CustomSalaryValidation , message: "Salary should be in multiples of 100." }]) .initialize();Demo: Rules: Value is required. Value must be between 1000 and 2000 Value should be a multiple of 100. Enter the Salary You Want: |
Validation Firing On Change Event
Syntax: vManager.addValidator([validatorName] , [{ type: ValidationType.Custom, rule: customValidationFunctionName , message: messageText }, ...]) .validateOnTextChange(true, SetSummary) .initialize();Usage: vManager.addValidator(["salary"], [{ type: ValidationType.Required , message: "Salary cannot be blank." }, { type: ValidationType.Range , rule: [1000, 2000], message: "Salary should be between $1000 and $2000." }, { type: ValidationType.Custom , rule: CustomSalaryValidation, message: "Salary should be in multiples of 100." }, { type: ValidationType.MaxLength, rule: [4], message: "Maximum length for this field is 4." }, { type: ValidationType.MinLength, rule: [2], message: "Minimum length for this field is 2." }, { type: ValidationType.Numeric, message: "Only numbers are allowed in this field"}]) .validateOnTextChange(true, SetSummary) .initialize();Demo: Change the value and click outside the field to fire the validation. Enter the Salary You Want: |
Validates the validators which are provided in the array as a parameter.
Validates all the validators that are currently added. |
.addValidator(validators, params)
Adds a new validator.
Validation Types
Returns the validation results in the form of an object array. Return value format: {validatorName, sourceControl, type, message}
Set a custom image to show if the validation is passed.
Set a custom image to show if the validation is failed.
Show/hide validation message's tooltips if the validation is failed.
Show/hide image notification if the validation is failed.
Show/hide image notification if the validation is passed.
Highlight background of he input element if the validation is failed.
.validateOnTextChange(f, onComplete)
Fires validation for the validator on text change event.
Checks if any validator is correctly validated or not.